'PRISON FOOD | THE \"SLAM\" CHALLENGE! (created by the batchelderz familia)'

'PRISON FOOD | THE \"SLAM\" CHALLENGE! (created by the batchelderz familia)'
13:40 Nov 1, 2022
'Hey y’all, come join us for lunch today, cozmo will be doing the \"slam\" challenge created by the batchelderz familia... Spam up those comments and let us know what you think of this video. Don\'t forget to like, comment, subscribe, and share this video with anyone and every one on all of your social medias! As always we love hanging out with y\'all come back tomorrow for another video. (:  CASH APP: $BemNemTV https://cash.app/$BemNemTV  Tamiesha\'s Online Avon Brochure: www.yourAvon.com/tmcgruder CarterLynn Lashes: IG: @trinityxoxo1  Our BemNemTV Social Medias: Instagram: BemnemTV Twitter: BemnemTV Snapchat: BemnemTV Facebook: Bem N Em TV Business Email(collaborations/promotional inquiries): BemNemtv@Gmail.com  WE DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHTS TO THE BACKGROUND MUSIC MUSIC IS BY: INTRO AND OUTRO MUSIC IS BY: BOND BABY(https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvsFKL5FVzEUM688_ZaIdlA)  #SlamChallenge #Mukbang #BemNemTV' 

Tags: challenge , Chicken , asmr , disgusting , Gross , mukbang , Michigan , married , storytime , FIRE , food porn , avon , sauce , couples , spicy , Flint Michigan , messy , tingles , prison food , smacking , chewing , Saucy , messy eating , imitation , butter sauce , spicy sauce , fire sauce , couples mukbang , mukbang challenges , jojo lee , Bond Baby , bemnemtv , relationship talk , slam challenge

See also:

